02 agosto, 2017

and don't forget to do it
set yourself a place on the table
so you can sit and not eat
and ignore the fact that you're sitting alone
because everyone else has left the table
and you're left there
not to eat
but to breathe/
just always remember
how not to forget
don't forget the same way they forgot you
the same way they misplaced your heart from where it belonged
from where it should be/
don't forget to do it
don't look back
you might trip and fall and break yourself or a leg or an arm or something
things are not made to stay in place
and I am the definition of that
I am in constant movement
I cannot stop
I think to myself that I am unstoppable until
I can not run or walk anymore
until someone stops me
until I break a bone or two
or more/
and don't forget to do it
it is important for you to think
you have a brain
you were blessed with a nervous system
that gets you pretty nervous at times
you should use it
don't forget to do it
you need to use your brain
and don't let it use you
it does not work that way
you have a brain inside your head and a head above your shoulders
don't let it slip and fall and break
you won't be able to think
so think while you can/
be awake
and don't forget to do it
don't fall asleep during your free time
don't dream in your break lunch time
dreams are for idiots
and you are enough of an idiot already
don't let them see your eyes closed
your eyes need to be open
you need to be wide awake
wake up/
elevate yourself
work on yourself
learn how to love and embrace yourself
an healthy body and soul
those things will make you happy
aren't you tired of being miserable?
don't you want to be happy?
you need to be happy
don't you forget to do it
people will get mad if you do
people will not understand if you do
so don't you/
write yourself a note every day as a reminder
remind yourself every thing that you don't want to forget/
don't forget to breathe
I know it gets hard
as they open the windows and the wind is blowing outside and I can feel it in my face
and I can hear it whispering in my ear
and it makes it hard for me to breathe
sometimes you have to shut down the windows
so the wind stops blowing/
open your mouth
don't forget to do it
ladies are supposed to open their mouths
and breathe
your lips are sealed keys that open doors
and it must be used
because your can't be trapped inside a room your entire life
don't close the door
hold it still
let me through
meet me in the other room
don't forget the key
and do not forget to breathe/
the clock strikes 2
I look around
probably in the hopes of seeing you
but there's not two
just one
just me
and I can not forget
that it is me
but also you
don't forget to breathe
as you wake up fifteen times throughout the night
as your demons try to make you forget
do not forget to breathe/
once you stop you won't remember and no one will be here
not even you
so don't forget
don't forget to remember
how to breathe/

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